Do Good, Feel Good
When Yvonne Beard took an early retirement, she knew she wanted to dedicate her free time to volunteering around the Triad. A woman with strong faith, she says, “I have always felt that we are all God’s servants and now He has allowed me to (volunteer) my time in a more structured way.”
Shortly after hearing about the SECU Family House in 2014, Yvonne received an invitation to participate in Merry Meals potlucks, which take place on the first and third Mondays of the month. Yvonne quickly found her place in the kitchen. She can be found almost every Monday night helping with Merry Meals or being a dinner host. Yvonne’s helping hands reach far beyond the kitchen. When COVID -19 created a mask shortage, Yvonne stepped up to help. She sewed and donated hundreds of homemade masks to the Family House and others in the community. It is no surprise that in 2021, Family House staff members nominated Yvonne for the Forsyth County Governor’s Volunteer Services Awards.
When asked about her favorite room in the house, Yvonne couldn’t choose just one.
“I love the dining room. I enjoy seeing guests engage in fellowship and share their day, their health care concerns, their smiles, and sometimes laughter. I love the lounge where guests have the opportunity to listen to the piano, see the visiting therapy dogs and sit in a familiar chair that feels somewhat like home. And of course, I love, love, love the kitchen! Isn’t food a great way to express yourself?!”
Yvonne’s caring and helpful spirit helped to provide comfort to hundreds of guests who have stayed at the Family House. She reminisces,
“There are always visitors that stand out – those that need me to listen or those that need me to open myself to understanding what they are going through. Those who need me to recognize their hurt and those that need THE hug. I carry these visitors with me in thought.”
When we notified Yvonne that Marianne Slade, a former guest who is battling breast cancer, stopped in to drop off a donation in honor of Yvonne, she was humbled. “Marianne is a kind, amazing woman of faith, going through traumatic challenges. I am so thankful that I had a chance to meet her and be able to help her.”
When asked about her choice to volunteer at the Family House, she shared,
“Volunteering at the SECU Family House is gratifying and rewarding. You absolutely receive so much more in return than you give. Please join us! Please join me!”
You can join Yvonne by becoming a Merry Meal Potluck Volunteer or a Dinner Host by visiting: familyhousews.org/volunteer