A Look at Our Foundation
Whether you’ve been a supporter since our capital campaign in 2008, or just now joining our efforts, these pictures from our 2010 construction year show how far you’ve taken us.
In 2000, Beth and Sandy Baldwin’s twenty-six year-old son, Branner, was diagnosed with melanoma. With the possibility of participating in a clinical trial, Branner’s doctor referred him to Pittsburgh, PA. For the four months while Branner was receiving treatment, he and his family made themselves at home at the Pittsburgh Family House. Already strong supporters of the local Ronald McDonald House, living the experience led Beth and Sandy to truly understand the impact of a hospital hospitality home.
After Branner passed away soon after returning to Winston-Salem, Beth and Sandy used their son’s memory to ignite a committee tasked with creating a similar home away from home in Winston-Salem.
After years of hard work, collaboration with the medical centers, and support from the entire community, the SECU Family House opened its doors to guests in September 2011.
Take a step down memory lane on our birthday month to see how far we’ve come. Thank you for joining us along this journey and for making the Family House possible for thousands of families a year.
Haven’t had a chance to tour the final product? Schedule your tour today!
Contact: Tracy Geiger at tracy.geiger@familyhousews.org or 336-793-2822